Robot Playground

Next to visiting the competitions, it is also very nice and exciting to join the Robot Playground. At this location, several workshops and demonstrations are arranged for people of all ages. These activities give a good overview what happens in the field of technology. Below are some workshops and performances highlighted. All workshops are free of charge.


RoboCup Technology Experience - Pleo

Pleo Arena

This arena is especially arranged for our youngest visitors. Pleo is a dinosaur that you can educate and nurture by yourself. So, if you want to hug or teach a Pleo, you should visit this special area!




RoboCup Technology Experience - Fanbots

Building a fanbot

Robots that play football, robots that save people, or what else? Robots that cheer to other robots? Robots that cheer for a goal? We need your help to build these robots to ensure 1000 of them will be present during the finals. In a workshop of an hour, you build a fanbot that can cheer your favourite team by waving and whispering. You build it by yourself, choose the clothes and program the movements to realise he is waving with all the other fanbots and the public. At the end of the event, it is possible to collect your own fanbot.

It is not possible to take the fanbot directly to home. He should first cheer to the football players at the tribune during the final competitions. This workshop is made possible by KekkeTek.


RoboCup Technology Experience - Mindstorms


This workshop learns you to program your own robot. The robot has to conduct some exercises on a special track. To do this successfully, you have to think careful. You will be surprised what the robot can do during this workshop.




RoboCup 2013 - Nao Robot Playground


Visit the special area to meet NAO, an interactive humanoid robot created in 2005 by Aldebaran Robotics. He has already become an internationally recognized robotics platform used in education and research. More than 600 prestigious Universities, labs and High School worldwide are daily working with NAO. Want to explore sciences with NAO during RoboCup 2013? Go register here!



During this workshop electrical engineering is introduced to all visitors. Some attention is paid to basic concepts of electricity. In addition, by performing some experiments, the children can invent how electricity actually works.


Most children are aware of the fact you can break your bones. But is it possible to simple substitute your bones? The answer to this question is introduced during this workshop. The characteristics of bones and materials that can replace bones are discussed. In addition, the children can draw their conclusions by conducting some experiments. Furthermore, this workshop shows that the substitution of parts of the human part is also technology.


  1. June 23, 2013

    Ziet er leuk uit! Ook geschikt voor jongens van 5 jaar?

    • RoboCup 2013
      June 23, 2013

      Hoi Anita,

      leuk om te horen dat je enthousiast bent. Het robot-speelplein is geschikt voor iedereen, van jong tot oud! Voor de jongsten is er genoeg te doen.

      Hopelijk tot ziens!
      RoboCup 2013

  2. June 26, 2013

    Eindelijk gaat het beginnen! Mijn zoon van 3 verheugt zich ook al op voetballende robots en de schattige Dino ‘s. Met een ex-robocupper thuis is dat niet zo vreemd, blijft toch iets bijzonder. Leuk om de ontwikkelingen te zien. Wij komen in ieder geval vandaag even langs met het hele gezin, maar ongetwijfeld nog wel vaker deze week.


    Maureen Mulder

  3. June 26, 2013

    Wij hebben er zin in.
    Lees dat het robotplein vandaag maar tot 14:00 open is, dan zijn we er nog maar net!!
    Dat is wel jammer voor alle kinderen die op woensdagmiddag wel kunnen komen kijken.
    Is het echt zo stipt?
    Gr. Desiree

  4. June 27, 2013

    We komen kijken, leuk !

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